EASA's Governing Policies

Adopted by The Board of Directors


Resolved, that the Governing Policies serve to further clarify the Bylaws as well as to cover subject matter not defined by the Bylaws that need some type of control.

Resolved, that all future matters pertaining to policy be presented in the form of resolutions to the Board of Directors, clearly defining the matter which, if passed, can be printed in the roster or rosters, and be it further

Resolved, that these resolutions on policy be changed or amended from time to time as occasion demands, and that they will automatically be reviewed after five (5) years have elapsed since their adoption or last date of review; and be it further

Resolved, that the policies shall be arranged under the headings of:

(a) Membership, 10-18
(b) Chapters, 19-29
(c) Officers and Directors, 30-39
(d) Central Office and Sales, 40-49
(e) Dues and Collections, 50-59
(f) General Policies, 60-79

(Reaffirmed June 2017)



Resolved, that in response to a request for Active membership, an application for Active membership be forwarded to the applicant to be filled out. Upon satisfactory completion and return of this application form to EASA Headquarters, accompanied by the entrance fee and the proper dues payment, a copy of the application form will be forwarded to the Regional Director, Chapter President and Chapter Secretary of the applicant’s geographic area for comment. Such comment must be received at EASA Headquarters within one (1) month of the time the request for comment is sent. The application form and comments will then be sent to those eligible to vote, who must approve or disapprove any application within one (1) month of receiving it from EASA Headquarters.

The Admissions Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.

Those voting for the admission of a member shall consist of the Admissions Committee plus the Chapter President and the Regional Director of the applicant’s geographic area. If the applicant meets all the requirements set forth in the bylaws, and is approved by at least three (3) of the voters, the applicant shall be approved by the Admissions Committee. If the applicant meets all the requirements set forth in the bylaws, and is approved by the Regional Director and Chapter President, the applicant shall be approved by the Admissions Committee. If the Chapter President and the Regional Director are the same person, the Chapter President may appoint another person to vote.

If the applicant is approved, the applicant shall be admitted to membership. If the applicant is disapproved, EASA shall notify the applicant of such disapproval and that the applicant has an option to request consideration by the Board of Directors. If the applicant requests Board consideration, the application, together with the action taken by the Admissions Committee and any comments by the committee respecting such action, shall be presented to the Board of Directors for its consideration and action. Board action shall be taken by secret ballot, in meeting assembled, and if a majority of the Board members shall approve the application, the applicant shall be admitted as a member. The decision of the Board of Directors is final.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, the only classifications of membership entitled to use the EASA logo or publicize their affiliation are Active, Associate and Allied members, provided they adhere to EASA’s logo use guidelines. Affiliate members of EASA Chapters that are not members of International may use the logo developed specifically for Affiliate members.

(Revised June 2023)


Resolved, any member terminated for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated within one year if dues are paid in full for that membership year. Headquarters will notify the chapter and regional director following any such reinstatement.

(Revised June 2017)



Resolved, that in accordance with EASA’s Bylaws, Article IV – Chapters, Section 1:  Composition of Chapters. A Chapter is defined as a territory that is organized under a charter issued by the Association that has been approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. It is further resolved that the purpose of a Chapter is to provide networking and educational training opportunities for EASA members by conducting chapter meetings and educational seminars. Chapters shall hold at least one technical and/or educational training meeting in its geographic territory that will be in accordance with EASA’s Mission Statement:  “The Mission of EASA is to help members enhance their performance and achieve greater levels of success.” Chapters shall also hold at least one business meeting annually with reports given by the Chapter Officers and an up-to-date Treasurer’s report or financial statement. The annual technical and/or educational meeting may be conducted concurrently. Additionally, it is recommended that Chapters publish a minimum of one Chapter newsletter annually.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that the uniform dues rebate to Chapters in the U.S., as provided in the Bylaws Article IV, Section 9, shall be ten percent (10%). The uniform dues rebate to Chapters outside the U.S., as provided in the Bylaws Article IV, Section 9, shall be fifteen percent (15%). No rebate shall be provided to chapters for members who renew after their respective expiration date.

(Revised February 2021)


Resolved, that no chapter will have any bylaws or policies that conflict with the Bylaws and Governing Policies of EASA International.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that all Chapters must adhere to EASA’s logo use guidelines.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that all Chapters shall send copies of the minutes of all meetings to the President and CEO within thirty (30) days after the date of the meeting. All chapters also shall submit to the President and CEO and Regional Director copies of all meeting notices a minimum of 30 days in advance of each meeting. A financial statement shall be submitted to the President and CEO at least annually showing revenues, expenses and all account balances.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, in the event any chapter fails to comply with Association guidelines per Bylaws Article IV, Section 12(a)(1)(2) and/or Governing Policies 19 and 23 in any calendar year, the Association shall not rebate any dues to the chapter outlined in Governing Policy 20 for the following membership year.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that Regions 1 through 8 may have the Chairman of the Association attend one regional meeting each Administrative Year. Regions 9 and 10 may have the Chairman attend one regional meeting every other Administrative Year unless unusual circumstances warrant it and such travel is approved by the Executive Committee. The Region will pay the Chairman’s (including spouse) hotel and meeting registration expense. EASA will pay their reasonable transportation and meal expenses.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)

Officers and Directors


Resolved, that Regional Directors will be reimbursed for the reasonable transportation, lodging and meal expenses of attending meetings of any Chapter, District, or combination of Chapters or Districts within their Region.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, the following procedure will be used for the election of Regional Directors:

(a) The Association Chairman shall appoint a nominating committee chaired by the Director whose final term is expiring consisting of the President of all the Chapters within a Region. The committee, including the chair, shall consist of at least three (3) Active members. When a Director is eligible for reelection, the Director shall not serve on the nominating committee. When necessary, to bring the nominating committee to three (3) members, the Association Chairman shall appoint additional Active members to the committee as required. 

(b) It shall be the duty of the committee to nominate two (2) or more candidates from within the region who are willing and able to accept the responsibilities of a full term as Regional Director, and to obtain the personal acceptance of the nominees to serve.

(c) Each nominee shall be a full-time employee of an Active member firm and also a current or past Chapter President, a current or past member of an EASA International committee or other dedicated EASAn.

(d) At least one nominee must be qualified as a current or past Chapter President. However, if none is found willing and able to serve as a nominee, then the committee may nominate individuals otherwise qualified so as to have at least two names on the ballot.

(e) A Regional Director who has served only his first full term shall automatically be one of the nominees for election, unless he specifically requests not to run.

(f) The committee shall send a written report of the nominations to the President and CEO within four (4) weeks of the committee’s appointment.

(g) A brief biography (200 words or less) of each candidate shall be sent with the ballot together with a campaign statement (200 words or less) from each candidate, and a personal photograph, if desired by the candidate. 

(h) In the event a majority is not obtained on the first ballot, there will be a runoff election between the two members receiving the highest number of votes in the Region.

(i) The person in the final balloting receiving the second greatest number of votes will be considered the elected alternate of that Region, so long as that person remains the official representative of an Active member firm within that Region. If a new director has been elected, the director-elect will be considered the alternate of the Region until taking office at the beginning of the Administrative year.                                      

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that if a Regional Director’s or International Officer’s employing company undergoes a change of ownership during his or her term, it meets the qualification of the “same member firm” referenced in Bylaw Article VI, Section 4, and Article IX, Section 9.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


(a) Resolved, that under the general supervision of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and Officers, the President and CEO shall have the full authority and responsibility for managing the Headquarters. The President and CEO shall employ and discharge Headquarters personnel within budget limitations established by the Board of Directors, as he/she deems necessary; however, no multi-year contracts may be entered into without the prior approval of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, and shall be prepared to report at each Board meeting the number of employees at Headquarters and their duties, and reasons for any staff additions or deletions. The President and CEO may expend funds which have been budgeted by the Association and may reallocate budgeted expense amounts within all account categories except personnel salaries and benefits.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)

(b) Resolved, that the President and CEO shall be prepared to report to the Remuneration Committee, at each meeting of that committee, the number of employees employed by EASA, their duties, salaries, other compensations and benefits and the reasons for any staff additions or deletions.

  (Reaffirmed June 2017)

(c) Resolved, that the convention city shall be selected by the Board of Directors. The President and CEO shall have full authority and responsibility for planning and conducting the annual convention.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that a copy of the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors be sent to all Past Chairmen requesting such.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that the Executive Committee shall not authorize any non-budgeted expenditure in excess of $50,000 per item, not to exceed $100,000 per year.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)

Central Office & Sales


Resolved, the President and CEO shall ensure that members are reminded annually to update their company listings for EASA's website via their MyEASA account page.

(Revised June 2017)

Dues & Collections


Resolved, that beginning 1/1/2025, annual dues for EASA members shall be as follows:

All Active members:

No. of Employees Rate
1 to 10 $975
11 to 25 $1,586
26 to 50 $2,306
51 to 75 $2,978
76 to 100 $3,283
101 and over $3,661

An entrance fee of $75.00 must be paid by each applicant accepted to Active membership.

Beginning 1/1/2025, annual dues for EASA Associate, Privileged and Allied members shall be as follows:

Associate members:

No entrance fee.

Sales Volume (U.S. $) Rate
Less than $2M $2,172
$2 - $4.99M $2,367
$5 - $9.99M $2,733
$10 - $19.99M $3,649
$20 - $49.99M $4,626
$50M and over $5,578


Privileged: $98 per membership year or any part thereof. No entrance fee.

Allied: $2,636 per membership year. No entrance fee.

Effective January 2021, new members joining the Association shall sumit a full year’s dues. Thereafter, their renewal date will be the anniversary of their membership approval. Each member will receive one website listing free of charge which will include the member company and official representative’s name. There will be a $29.00 charge for each additional individual name. No branch, subsidiary, or division of an Active member may have a separate listing unless it holds a separate membership. Associate members may list branch or other business locations with one individual’s name at a charge of $89.00 per location with a charge of $29.00 for each additional individual’s name.

(Revised June 2024)


Resolved, no refunds shall be made by EASA for overpayment for goods, services, or dues unless the amount is $5 or more, unless a specific request is made for the refund within 30 days.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that the structure and amount of the annual dues for EASA members shall be reviewed every five (5) years by a committee that will establish a proposed five (5) year dues structure that will be presented to the Board for review and approval at the end of the previous five (5) year dues plan.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)

General Policies


Resolved, the Electrical Apparatus Service Association is a nonpolitical trade association. EASA has affirmed its belief in the system of free enterprise and in the protection of individual rights. To the extent that proposed or existing legislation threatens individual rights under the system of competitive private enterprise, the Association should bring such matters to the attention of its members for them to take such action as they see fit, for the protection of their interests. To the extent that proposed or existing legislation affects the business of electrical, electronic and mechanical apparatus sales and equipment repairing, the Association adopts the following procedure:

(a) On matters which substantially affect member firms, EASA should take direct action to promote the interests of its members.

(b) In matters of public policy affecting the interest of EASA members, when other associations ask for EASA’s support and backing, this Association shall render what assistance it can. This may relate to general public policy as well as specific policies that affect this industry directly.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


(a) Resolved, that it is hereby declared to be the continued policy of EASA that the actions of the Association, its Chapters, Directors, Executive Committee, Officers and other committees shall in no manner interfere with individual member firms in their individual or group dealing with labor organizations.

(b) Resolved, that no Chapter or other group, as a part of or under the name of the Association, shall enter into employer-employee contracts.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that no individual member shall act as a representative of the Association unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that mail and/or electronic ballots may be taken by the Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee, but if one or more dissenting votes are received, then the subject will have to be voted upon by the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting. In cases other than Associate and Allied membership applications, there will be a 7-day period for discussion and questions prior to the formal vote.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that no member shall use the word “EASA” in its company name or title.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that EASA may transmit to a member technical, engineering or other information in the Association’s continuing effort to better serve its members. However, the member is responsible for verifying the correctness of such information; EASA makes no warranties respecting the information in such reports, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage as a consequence of the use and reliance upon such reports by the member.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that expenses of committee members when on Association business and authorized by the proper authorities, will be paid by the Association.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that condensed reports of the actions of the Board of Directors shall be transmitted to the membership in EASA’s newsletter, CURRENTS.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that all EASA materials available to Active members shall be made available to all members of the Association at pricing levels to be established at the direction of the Board of Directors for each class of member.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that all EASA Headquarters checks shall require a minimum of two authorized signatures.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that credit cards will be issued in the name of EASA to charge travel and necessary expenses.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that EASA’s primary investment objective is the preservation of capital and to generate income/cash flow. The secondary investment objective is growth of capital. The growth fund shall make up no more than 40% of the Association’s total portfolio, which includes all accounts with EASA’s current brokerage firm and accounts held locally at its current bank. The Association shall maintain a detailed investment policy outlining purpose, types of investments allowed and prohibited, investment allocation percentages, maturity maximums, and investment authority. This policy is to be reviewed at least annually by the Executive Committee and approved annually by the Board of Directors.

(Revised February 2024)


Resolved, Resolved, that EASA shall collect email addresses from its members which may be reported on the Association’s website. However, under no circumstances will EASA release its members’ email addresses (for sale or otherwise) in an electronic list to any entity other than an EASA chapter or region wishing to promote its respective chapter or regional meeting to members located in its designated territory. The exception to this would be release of convention attendees’ emails to exhibitors providing the attendee has “opted in” to receiving exhibitor emails.

(Revised June 2017)


Resolved, the membership of the Association shall be given a minimum of thirty (30) days prior written notice of any proposed changes to the Bylaws before a ratification vote of the membership can be taken. In addition to providing the precise wording of changes proposed, said notice shall also provide the board’s intent in proposing such change(s).

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, Board of Directors’ Meetings shall be open only to directors, invited guests and staff.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, the Executive Committee shall oversee the following functions: budget, bylaws and governing policies recommendations, investments, strategic planning and trade relations.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, the Audit Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee with the Immediate Past Chairman as chair. In addition to its other duties, this committee is to meet every year with the auditors of the Association without any member of the staff in attendance.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)


Resolved, that the Remuneration Committee shall consist of the chairman of the board as chair; the immediate past chairman; and the vice chairman. The secretary/treasurer is asked to attend any meetings as a nonvoting guest.

(Established June 2017)


Resolved, that financial reports including actual and budgeted expenditures and receipts, capital budget and capital expenditures, and a statement of financial position be distributed to the Executive Committee on a monthly basis within twenty-five (25) days after the end of the month.

(Reaffirmed June 2017)