EASA's Governing Policies
Adopted by The Board of Directors
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Resolved, that the Governing Policies serve to further clarify the Bylaws as well as to cover subject matter not defined by the Bylaws that need some type of control. Resolved, that all future matters pertaining to policy be presented in the form of resolutions to the Board of Directors, clearly defining the matter which, if passed, can be printed in the roster or rosters, and be it further Resolved, that these resolutions on policy be changed or amended from time to time as occasion demands, and that they will automatically be reviewed after five (5) years have elapsed since their adoption or last date of review; and be it further Resolved, that the policies shall be arranged under the headings of: (a) Membership, 10-18 (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
Officers and Directors
Dues & Collections
General Policies
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Resolved, the Electrical Apparatus Service Association is a nonpolitical trade association. EASA has affirmed its belief in the system of free enterprise and in the protection of individual rights. To the extent that proposed or existing legislation threatens individual rights under the system of competitive private enterprise, the Association should bring such matters to the attention of its members for them to take such action as they see fit, for the protection of their interests. To the extent that proposed or existing legislation affects the business of electrical, electronic and mechanical apparatus sales and equipment repairing, the Association adopts the following procedure: (a) On matters which substantially affect member firms, EASA should take direct action to promote the interests of its members. (b) In matters of public policy affecting the interest of EASA members, when other associations ask for EASA’s support and backing, this Association shall render what assistance it can. This may relate to general public policy as well as specific policies that affect this industry directly. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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(a) Resolved, that it is hereby declared to be the continued policy of EASA that the actions of the Association, its Chapters, Directors, Executive Committee, Officers and other committees shall in no manner interfere with individual member firms in their individual or group dealing with labor organizations. (b) Resolved, that no Chapter or other group, as a part of or under the name of the Association, shall enter into employer-employee contracts. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that no individual member shall act as a representative of the Association unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that mail and/or electronic ballots may be taken by the Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee, but if one or more dissenting votes are received, then the subject will have to be voted upon by the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting. In cases other than Associate and Allied membership applications, there will be a 7-day period for discussion and questions prior to the formal vote. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that no member shall use the word “EASA” in its company name or title. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that EASA may transmit to a member technical, engineering or other information in the Association’s continuing effort to better serve its members. However, the member is responsible for verifying the correctness of such information; EASA makes no warranties respecting the information in such reports, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage as a consequence of the use and reliance upon such reports by the member. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that expenses of committee members when on Association business and authorized by the proper authorities, will be paid by the Association. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that condensed reports of the actions of the Board of Directors shall be transmitted to the membership in EASA’s newsletter, CURRENTS. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that all EASA materials available to Active members shall be made available to all members of the Association at pricing levels to be established at the direction of the Board of Directors for each class of member. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that all EASA Headquarters checks shall require a minimum of two authorized signatures. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that credit cards will be issued in the name of EASA to charge travel and necessary expenses. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that EASA’s primary investment objective is the preservation of capital and to generate income/cash flow. The secondary investment objective is growth of capital. The growth fund shall make up no more than 40% of the Association’s total portfolio, which includes all accounts with EASA’s current brokerage firm and accounts held locally at its current bank. The Association shall maintain a detailed investment policy outlining purpose, types of investments allowed and prohibited, investment allocation percentages, maturity maximums, and investment authority. This policy is to be reviewed at least annually by the Executive Committee and approved annually by the Board of Directors. (Revised February 2024) |
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Resolved, Resolved, that EASA shall collect email addresses from its members which may be reported on the Association’s website. However, under no circumstances will EASA release its members’ email addresses (for sale or otherwise) in an electronic list to any entity other than an EASA chapter or region wishing to promote its respective chapter or regional meeting to members located in its designated territory. The exception to this would be release of convention attendees’ emails to exhibitors providing the attendee has “opted in” to receiving exhibitor emails. (Revised June 2017) |
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Resolved, the membership of the Association shall be given a minimum of thirty (30) days prior written notice of any proposed changes to the Bylaws before a ratification vote of the membership can be taken. In addition to providing the precise wording of changes proposed, said notice shall also provide the board’s intent in proposing such change(s). (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, Board of Directors’ Meetings shall be open only to directors, invited guests and staff. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, the Executive Committee shall oversee the following functions: budget, bylaws and governing policies recommendations, investments, strategic planning and trade relations. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, the Audit Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee with the Immediate Past Chairman as chair. In addition to its other duties, this committee is to meet every year with the auditors of the Association without any member of the staff in attendance. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |
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Resolved, that the Remuneration Committee shall consist of the chairman of the board as chair; the immediate past chairman; and the vice chairman. The secretary/treasurer is asked to attend any meetings as a nonvoting guest. (Established June 2017) |
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Resolved, that financial reports including actual and budgeted expenditures and receipts, capital budget and capital expenditures, and a statement of financial position be distributed to the Executive Committee on a monthly basis within twenty-five (25) days after the end of the month. (Reaffirmed June 2017) |